软件工程经济学笔记 ch1 - Introduction of Software Engineering Economy

by acdzh · 2020年4月29日15:29 · 335 WORDS  ·  ~ 1 mins reading time · 0  Visitors | 

lecture - SEE.ch01.lecture.pdf


  1. Define economics and explain the questions that economists try to answer.
  2. Explain the kinds of questions that define the economic way of thinking.

1.1 Definition & Ques

经济问题 <- 人的需求 > 可用资源

Scarcity 稀缺

原因: 需求 > 资源 => 需要替代方案.

Economics Defined 经济学定义

经济学: 是一门社会科学,研究个人,企业,政府和整个社会在应对稀缺性时所做出的选择,影响这些选择的动机以及协调这些选择的安排。


  • 微观经济学:研究个人和企业做出的选择以及这些选择相互影响并受到政府影响的方式。
  • 宏观经济学:研究个人,企业和政府做出的选择对国民经济和全球经济的总体(或总体)影响。


  • 如何选择决定什么,如何,以及对谁生产商品和服务?
  • 什么时候在做选择自身利益也促进社会利益?

What, How, and For Whom?


  • 生产什么商品和服务以及生产什么数量?
  • 商品和服务如何生产?
  • 为谁提供各种商品和服务生产的?

When Is the Pursuit of Self-Interest in the Social Interest?

自我利益与社会利益: 适合对象不同. 两者不一定冲突.

1.2 The Eco. Way of Thinkiing

Eco. Ideas:

  • Choice is a tradeoff. 选择是权衡.
  • People make rational choices. 人们做出理性的选择
  • Benefit is what you gain from something
  • Cost is what you must give up to get something
  • Most choices are made at the margin. 大多数选择都是在边际进行的
  • Choices respond to incentives. 选择回应激励

Choice: a Tradeoff

匮乏 => 选择. 折衷, 放弃 a 获得 b.

Rational Choices

A rational choice is a choice that uses the available resources to best achieve the objective of the person making the choice. We make rational choices by comparing costs and benefits.

一个理性的选择是使用现有的选择最好地实现人的目标的资源做出选择。我们通过比较 costs 和 benefits 来进行选择。

Benefit: What You Gain


Benefit is the gain or pleasure that something brings. Benefit is measured by what you are willing to give up.

Cost: What You Must Give Up

Opportunity cost is the best thing that you must give up to get something — the highest-valued alternative forgone.


How Much? Choosing at the Margin

A choice made at the margin is a choice made by comparing all the relevant alternatives systematically and incrementally.


边际成本: the opportunity cost of a one-unit increase in an activity, hat you must give up to get one additional unit of it.

边际收益: what you gain when you get one more unit of something.

理性的选择: 边际成本 > 边际收益.

Choices Respond to Incentives

An incentive is a reward or a penalty—a “carrot” or a “stick”—that encourages or discourages an action.




经济模型: 对现实的描述

相关性: 两个值之间的趋势.


1.0Init2020-04-29 23:29
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